The Jump
Your Problems
-the athlete does not learn correctly the drop under the bar and he needs to jump.
-The prolongation of the time with out support.
-the rising on tiptoes after the “explosion” is not performed.
My suggestions
-free drop under the bar with a rise on tiptoes.
-work from the hang position
-work from boxes.
The Trunk Inclined in front
Your Problems
-the “explosion” has not been finished with the extension of the trunk.
-the pull has not been executed to the best height.
-an incorrect image of the movement.
My suggestions
-the execution of pulls with the extension of the trunk.
-work from boxes.
-Work from the hang position.
-squat with barbell in the extended arms
-the demonstration of the right motion by the coach.
-the use of photographs, diagrams, and movies about the best weightlifters in the world.